The team at Matrix Digital Arts is preparing for another important event, The Houston National Invitational. This year, we have been asked to shoot an additional event, with 1500 athletes, many past, present, and future Olympians. We will have ten photographers on the floor capturing the important competitive events of these young men and women from all over the world. Participants will have the opportunity to have their images applied to a special commemorative poster we commissioned to be designed for this event. The image on the right is our 39x80" floor banner.
This year, our photographers and crew will be wearing wireless headsets to ensure our ability to keep in touch with each other and communicate with the sales area.
Additionally, we will be launching our new storefront with a completely new line of products the parents will be able to choose from, including the ability to design their own poster on-line.
We are humbled to be chosen as the photographers for this special event. Watch our blog and our website for additional details.